Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Tell When The Prim Monster Is Lying!

Whenever She Opens Her Mouth

Here is a neat article on the carbon tax backflip by the Labor Party. It is reprinted WITHOUT the permission of Barnaby Joyce.

"Now that we’ve all picked our jaw up off the ground, because Ms Gillard and Mr Swan have precisely done what they said they wouldn’t do and are bringing in a carbon tax, we have to organise the fight to stop it.

Yes, we are going to have to go through all the arguments again and we will win again.
Let’s start from these. 

The people who couldn’t get fluffy stuff in the ceiling for the rats and mice to sleep on without setting fire to 190 houses; 

The people who decided to go on some manic building  spree in the backyard of every school, whether  the schools liked it or not and in many cases in  multiples of the cost of the true price on the structures;

These same people who thought they could reboot the global economy with the purchase of imported electronic goods with $900 cheques; the same people who have got you into $181billion in gross debt; 

Yet the same people again who  looked down the barrel of a camera to talk to the Australian people  and stated categorically they would never bring in a carbon tax in the term of their government; 

They are the people who are going to bring in the carbon tax because they have the quite evident expertise, despite all the history to the contrary ,to cool the planet from a room in Canberra. 

Not surprisingly, what they have changed is the temperature of people’s disposition. There is a palpable white fury from the deceit that people feel. People can hardly afford and in some cases not afford at all the power bills they currently have. They do not need any more motivation to use less power. They are totally focused on this because they can’t afford to pay for their current usage.

People understand that you either have cheap power or cheap wages. There is another alternative, no jobs and Australia’s manufacturing industry, or what’s left of it, is well and truly in the sights of this absurd decision of Ms Gillard. I look forward to AWU Secretary, Mr Howse, in his next Mussolini impersonation behind the podium, to go into bat for these jobs, but I haven’t heard boo from him today.

In the background, literally and photographically, are Mr Windsor and Mr Oakeshott. Mr Oakeshott, well you can just make your own mind up about him, but Mr Windsor’s statement at the press conference is peculiar. He said, “and please don’t construe through my presence here that I will be actually supporting any scheme”. Well, Mr Windsor, what were you doing there? Did you get lost on the way to the toilet and just stumble across the Prime Minister doing her press conference and decide to stand in on it?

Please don’t tell me that we have to go through this teeth pulling agony as  you stand at the front of the political church in the big white fluffy dress saying ,” I don’t know how I got here and I don’t know whether I shall say I do. Don’t construe that this dress means I’m getting married to another Labor/ Green party decision.

I was not in the least bit surprised about the white fury I’m hearing in Sydney and how some of the illuminati misread that there would be such an overwhelming reaction against the announcement of the carbon tax. I am not surprised in the slightest by the almost monastic silence of Mr Bill Shorten as he sits back salivating on Ms Gillard and her Green cohorts happily mounting their own political pyre.

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