Friday, March 11, 2011

Global Warming May Cause Erectile Dysfunction!

Just How Low (Sic) Will The Alarmists Go?

I could not believe my eyes when I came across this internet article!

"Yes that’s right! According to the latest alarmist hysteria global warming causes “deflation.”  No, not the monetary kind (although that may be the next round of hysterics), by deflation, I mean the kind you need Viagra for. Per this article on World Net Daily.
Global warming may make the world’s inhabitants cranky and stressed, drive them crazy, give them cancer and even worsen their suffering from sexual dysfunction, according to a new government report on climate change – but the scientists say more money is needed before they can be certain.
 Worldwide, look how tax dollars are being wasted.
Government scientists from several taxpayer-funded agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute of Environmental Health Science, the State Department and the Environmental Protection Agency, compiled an 80-page report titled, “A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change: A Report Outlining the Research Needs on the Human Health Effects of Climate Change.”
Yes, it took at least 4 agencies to come up with this bullshit, which you can read by clicking on the link in the above quote.

It gets even better. While I was looking for additional information on this topic I found this here.
Climate change brings some rather unexpected findings, and sometimes a happy outcome for some – take the male Scottish Grey Seal, for instance.
These findings show that climate change, whilst endangering many species, could also help to increase the genetic diversity of some species,” Twiss said. Scottish Seal hanky-panky, it seems, is rife.
So, if you’re a Scottish Gray Seal global warming means you’ll have a much easier time getting laid.  Lucky devils.

It gets crazier, real CO2 Insanity, I also found this, from no less of a publication than Nature.
Rising temperatures look set to produce male-only offspring in the tuatara, condemning the ancient reptile species to extinction by 2085, computer modelling predicts.
So if you’re one of these lizards, it’s going to really be bad.  Soon there will be no females of the species and you’ll be hanging around in Gay Bars trying to pickup that hunk next to you with the tight buns wearing a Greens T shirt.

Dont’ think it’s over yet….it gets sillier yet.  Here we have an article from Canadian Free Press titled “Sex Causes Global Warming.” That’s right! Now if you get laid, it’s bad for the environment!
Sex causes global warming. At least that is what the folks up at Oregon State say:
“A study by statisticians at Oregon State University concluded that in the United States, the carbon legacy and greenhouse gas impact of an extra child is almost 20 times more important than some of the other environmentally sensitive practices people might employ their entire lives – things like driving a high mileage car, recycling, or using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs.”
 I can just see the headlines:

"Greens Insist Gillard Brings In Nookie Tax"

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