Tuesday, November 23, 2010

If Every House In Australia Was Sold The Money Raised Would Not Be Enough To Repay Govt Debt!

 Governments around the world, including Australias, continue to borrow millions of dollars a day for no good result for the citizens of the countries concerned.

In Australia we are seeing a crazy game played by the Gillard government to will give us all a high speed broadband network while our hospital waiting lists grow ever longer and people die waiting for urgent treatment.

Our farmers in the Murry Darling Basin, the food bowl of Australia, will get high speed broadband but no water to grow the crops to feed the average Aussie!

Did you know that last year, for the first time ever, Australia imported more food then it exported!

We became a net importer of food.

Australia has an area of just over 7 1/2 million square kilometers and in this huge area we cannot grow enough food to supply 22 1/2 million people!

Only 6.43% of this area is under agriculture of any form! Wouldn't it make more sense to guarantee Australia's food supply before we rush out and spend billions on a broadband network.

We may all starve to death but at least we will have high speed internet!

Why don't we care about the huge debt hole our politicians are digging us into?

British film maker Martin Durkin explains the full extent of the financial mess Britian is in: an estimated £4.8 trillion of national debt and counting. It's so big that even if every home in the UK was sold it wouldn't raise enough cash to pay it off.

Durkin argues that to put Britain back on track there is a need to radically rethink the role of the state, stop politicians spending money in our name and introduce, among other measures, flat taxes to make Britain's economy boom again.

This polemical film presented by Martin Durkin, brings economic theory to life and makes it hit home. It includes interviews with academics, economic experts, entrepreneurs, no less than four ex-Chancellors of the Exchequer and the biggest stack of £50 notes you'll never see.

See here: Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story

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