Monday, March 29, 2010

Who Will Now Lead the Climate Fraud?

Political and business leaders gather this week in an attempt to revive the world's faltering challenge to global warming. But they face a battle to lift the cloud of scepticism that has descended over climate science and chart a new way forward.

Some of the planet's most powerful paymasters will gather in London on Wednesday to discuss a nagging financial problem: how to raise a trillion dollars for the developing world.

Those charged with achieving this daunting goal will include UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, directors of several central banks, the billionaire George Soros, the economist Lord (Nicholas) Stern and Larry Summers, President Obama's chief economics adviser.

As an array of expertise, it is formidable: but then so is the task they have been set by the UN puppet, secretary general, Ban Ki-moon. In effect, the world's top financiers have been told to work out how to raise at least $100bn a year for the rest of this decade, cash that will be used to help the world's poorest countries adapt to climate change.

I wonder into whose pockets this $100 billion per year will gravitate?

For at least 20 years now we have seen people starving in Africa. We, the suckers, have given billions of dollars to alleviate this misery. However, these poor souls are still starving!

Where the fuck did our money go?

To raise $100 billion a year the Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing has made clear that it will consider everything – from placing levies on national and international aviation and shipping, to enlarging carbon markets and introducing financial transaction taxes.

You name it and it will be run up the flagpole – for success in establishing a developing world finance plan is now considered crucial to the success of next December's UN climate change meeting in Mexico. "Finance is a prerequisite for a climate agreement," said Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climage Change, on Friday. "Developing countries are very sensitive about this. Talks will collapse without strong and secure financing in place."

Who will pay these levies and taxes?

That's right! You and I will pay and where the fuck will our money go?

Politicians and negotiators are preparing another assault on the issue, though this time talks will be very different. For a start, climate science has suffered damaging setbacks.

There was the leaking from the University of East Anglia's climate research unit of email exchanges between some of the world's top meteorologists as well as the discovery that a UN assessment report on climate change had vastly exaggerated the rate of melting of Himalayan glaciers.

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